Our complaints management policy
If you ever feel less than satisfied by our products, customer service, or pricing, we want you to tell us.
When managing customer complaints or dissatisfactions, we aim to create a quick, fair and consistent process that’s sensitive to the individual needs and circumstances of our customers. We use complaint information to not only put things right, but also to understand root causes, and identify errors or failures.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about an organization, related to its products, services, staff or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.
How do you make a complaint?
If you have an insurance broker, please contact them to explain the situation.
If you don't have an insurance broker, or want to contact us directly about your dealings with us or someone you have purchased one of our products from, please call or write to u
Telephone us
Email us
Write to us
Customer Resolution
Locked Bag 2010
St Leonards NSW 1590
Dispute resolution - motor suppliers
As a repairer, we understand that occasionally there may be times when you may not be satisfied with the service you have received and are entitled to make a complaint.
Hollard has a dispute resolution process to which you may refer disputes when discussions with your local assessor have not resulted in the resolution of a complaint.
If you have a dispute for a matter that has arisen prior to the commencement or completion of the repair, please fill out the information on our Dispute resolution for motor suppliers form.
General Insurance Code of Practice
We are proud to be a signatory to the General Insurance Code of Practice (Code). The Code outlines the standards that insurers need to deliver. It lets you know what you should expect from your insurance company.
The objectives of this Code are to:
- commit insurers to high standards of service;
- promote better, more informed relations between insurers and customers;
- maintain and promote trust and confidence in the general insurance industry;
- provide fair and effective mechanisms for resolving customer complaints; and
- promote continuous improvement of the general insurance industry through education and training.
The Code Governance Committee (CGC) is the independent body that monitors and enforces our compliance with the Code. It also aims to drive better Code compliance, helping the insurance industry to improve its service to consumers.
You can read or download a copy of the Code from the CGC website.
Download a copy of the Code